The Safety Assurance for Food Establishments licensing framework (SAFE) is an integrated framework to provide better food safety assurance to consumers. Under the framework,

food establishments will be eligible for longer licence durations and higher award tiers if : 

  • They have demonstrated good track record of food safety assurance (i.e. no major food safety lapse over a period of time); and

  •  They have in place capabilities and systems to ensure better food safety standards (e.g. appointment of Advanced Food Hygiene Officer, implementation of Food Safety Management System)  

All Category A food establishments will be required to appoint a trained FHO who has attended and passed the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 3.

These are food establishments that are involved in significant food handling practices with higher food safety risks (e.g. preparation, processing and storage of food under temperature-controlled conditions) are required to appoint a trained Food Hygiene Officer (FHO).

Examples of licensees: food manufacturers, caterers, in-house kitchens, restaurants, canteens (without stall), slaughterhouses.


A Food Hygiene Officer (FHO) oversees and implements effective food hygiene measures which ensure food is prepared in a safe and hygienic manner. Having a senior staff member trained as a FHO will reinforce a high standard of food and personal hygiene in food establishments.

FHOs will help owners or licensees oversee and enhance the standard of hygiene and sanitation in their premises. In between SFA's inspections, they play the role of food safety checkers who rectify hygiene irregularities. The duties of a FHO include:

  1. Implementing systems and conducting checks to ensure food handlers practise good food and personal hygiene during food preparation;

  2. Educating and reminding food handlers to practise good hygiene; and

  3. Identifying lapses and taking prompt corrective action.

To qualify as a FHO, the appointed staff member will need to attend and pass the WSQ Food Safety Course Level 3 (formerly known as WSQ Conduct Food & Beverage Hygiene Audit course). Once they have passed the examination, participants are awarded a Statement of Attainment (SOA).  FHOs (e.g. in retail food establishments) who have passed the WSQ Conduct Food and Beverage Hygiene Audit Course or have been previously trained under the FHO course conducted by Singapore Environment Institute (SEI) will continue to be recognised by SFA.  

SFA allows participants who have successfully passed the course to register as certified FHOs. A certified FHO will not need to attend the Food Safety Course Level 1 (FSC L1) if he/she decides to work as a food handler. However, the FHO will need to attend FSC L1 (Refresher) at the 5-year mark from the date he/she passes the Food Safety Course Level 3 if his/her course of work involves food handling.

The second and subsequent FSC L1 (Refresher) courses must be taken every 10th year from the last FSC L1 (Refresher) course pass date, if the FHO continues to work as a food handler.

Register for Food Safety Course Level 3 with us now!

To register :


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